Vocal Toning Meditation - Cultivating Inner Peace

Cultivating Inner Peace for Global Peace will be our intention at this months vocal toning meditation taking place Tuesday Dec 15 at 7:30pm.  

Peace On Earth, a hopeful sentiment we share especially during the holiday season. It can be difficult to imagine when our lives are often far from peaceful and our news is filled with terror and hardship. Thankfully, more and more people are understanding that the power to change anything lies within us. Yes, we can be hopeful! 
When we are willing to BE the change we wish to see in the world, we have the potential to not only impact ourselves favorably, but everyone on the planet. This is because there is a part of our mind that all of us share and we are only beginning to understand this and the implications. By being cognizant of that shared connection, we integrate our actions and intentions of peace, love and harmony into the whole human organism. It's a matter of mindfulness and intention. We can find oodles of literature, ancient and new explaining the magical mechanisms of the human organism and it’s mind that we are all a part of. In a nutshell, if we truly desire peace, we can have it!  

We will be toning peace for ourselves and our global family. Vocal toning is a potent technique for creating physical, mental and emotional shifts that are lasting. Toning generates the desired intention by strengthening it's vibrations in the field of our subtle energy body and beyond. In a group setting, it’s tremendously uplifting, and with a common intention, great synergy is created.  Join us at Bayou Bliss Yoga, 808 W Main St, Houston, TX 77006

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